The Miscellaneous Wood Products World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the86 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Miscellaneous wood product manufactures) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for86 Products/Services covered, including: MISCELLANEOUS WOOD PRODUCTS 1. Miscellaneous other wood product manufactures 2. Manufactured home (mobile home) manufactures 3. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 13 feet 11 inches or less in width 4. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 11 feet 11 inches or less in width 5. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 12 feet to 13 feet 11 inches in width 6. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 14 feet or more in width 7. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 14 feet to 15 feet 11 inches in width 8. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), 16 feet or more in width 9. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), multisection 10. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), nsk 11. Nonresidential mobile buildings 12. Nonresidential mobile buildings, office & other commercial 13. Other nonresidential mobile buildings, incl classroom & industrial 14. Nonresidential mobile buildings, nsk 15. Manufactured homes (mobile homes), nsk, total 16. Manufactured home (mobile home) manufactures, nsk, total 17. Manufactured home (mobile home) manufactures, nsk, nonadministrative-record 18. Maunfactured home (mobile home) manufactures, nsk, administrative-record 19. Prefabricated wood building manufactures 20. Components for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (not sold as complete units) 21. Components for prefabricated stationary wood residential buildings, incl homes, townhouses & apartments (not sold as complete units) 22. Components for prefabricated stationary wood nonresidential buildings, incl motels & hotels (not sold as complete units) 23. Components for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (not sold as complete units), nsk 24. Precut packages for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (complete units) 25. Precut packages for prefabricated stationary residential log homes (complete units) 26. Precut packages for other prefabricated stationary residential wood buildings, incl homes, townhouses & apartments (complete units) 27. Precut packages for prefabricated stationary nonresidential wood buildings, incl motels & hotels (complete units) 28. Precut packages for prefabricated stationary wood buildings (complete units), nsk 29. Prefabricated stationary wood buildings in panel form (complete units) 30. Prefabricated stationary residential single family wood buildings, incl townhouses, in panel form (complete units) 31. Prefab. stationary wood buildings, panel form, residential 32. Prefabricated stationary residential multifamily wood buildings in panel form (complete units) 33. Prefabricated stationary nonresidential wood buildings, incl motels & hotels, in panel form (complete units) 34. Prefabricated stationary wood buildings in panel form (complete units), nsk 35. Prefabricated stationary wood buildings in panel form (complete units), nsk 36. Prefabricated stationary wood buildings in three-dimensional assemblies 37. Prefabricated stationary residential wood buildings, incl homes, townhouses & apartments, in three-dimensional assemblies 38. Prefabricated stationary nonresidential wood buildings, incl motels & hotels, in three-dimensional assemblies /.. etc.