Do you want better finances. . .but need a little practical, how-to help? Then you definitely need Bible Guides for Life: Money 101! This easy-to-understand, graphically-enhanced reference is perfect for people of any age, providing information on creating (and adhering to) a budget, saving and investing, tithing, taxes, insurance and retirement planning, loans and debt, attitudes toward money, and much more. Best of all, it's written in a fun, lighthearted manner that makes the hard work of managing finances fun. If you've struggled with money matters, don't worry: You're not alone, and this book can help.
Do you want better finances. . .but need a little practical, how-to help? Then you definitely need Bible Guides for Life: Money 101! This easy-to-understand, graphically-enhanced reference is perfect for people of any age, providing information on creating (and adhering to) a budget, saving and investing, tithing, taxes, insurance and retirement planning, loans and debt, attitudes toward money, and much more. Best of all, it's written in a fun, lighthearted manner that makes the hard work of managing finances fun. If you've struggled with money matters, don't worry: You're not alone, and this book can help.