In "The Mystery of the Dragon's Gate," the sixth book in the "Dragons of Romania" series, a new 21st-century adventure begins with the mysterious disappearance of key members of the close-knit dragon family. Their last contact with their missing friends leads dragons Lumea, Tanarul, Ayo, Viorica, and Urk to China, where they uncover the truth behind an ancient legend. The Dragons' Gate, long thought to be a myth, is revealed to be a real portal to an unknown dimension, drawing dragons into a netherworld from which there is no escape. The dragon leader Bogdan and the formidable Chen, the Great Dragon of China, are among its latest victims.
With the help of their human ally, Lucian, and the wise dragon Vladimir providing remote support from Romania, the traveling dragons split into teams to unravel the mystery of the Dragons' Gate. They must determine its nature, who or what controls it, where it has appeared, and how to stop it from ultimately removing all dragons from Earth. Their urgent quest takes them to locations around the world, including Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, North America, and even Shangri-La, before the rescuers themselves become trapped in the perilous netherworld.
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