The Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in about 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the98 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Nonupholstered wood household furniture) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for98 Products/Services covered, including: NONUPHOLSTERED WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1. Nonupholstered wood household furniture manufactures 2. Wood living room, library, family room & den furniture, nonupholstered 3. Wood living room, library, family room & den tables (all types), except card & telephone tables 4. Wood living room, library, family room & den cabinets, desks, credenzas, bookcases, bookshelves & wall units 5. Wood living room, library, family room & den cabinets, incl record, music, sewing, smoking, etc., except sewing machine, radio, video & television cabinets 6. Wood household desks 7. Wood living room, library, family room & den credenzas, bookcases & bookshelves, except wall units 8. Wood living room, library, family room & den wall units (desk, bookcase & storage type) 9. Wood living room, library, family room & den chairs, except dining room 10. Wood living room, library, family room & den chairs & seating, except dining room 11. Wood living room, library, family room & den rockers 12. Other nonupholstered wood living room, library, family room & den seating, incl settees, loveseats, benches, stools, etc. 13. Custom-made wood household furniture, except cabinets, nonupholstered 14. Nonupholst. wood hsehld furniture, other types, exc. custom 15. Nonupholst. wood hsehld chairs (exc. dining/kitchen/rocking) 16. Nonupholstered wood household rocking chairs, exc. custom 17. Nonupholst. wood household seating, oth. types, exc. custom 18. Nonupholstered wood furniture, other types, except custom 19. Wood living room, library, family room & den furniture, nsk 20. Other nonupholstered wood living room furniture, nsk 21. Wood dining room & kitchen furniture, except kitchen cabinets 22. Wood dining room tables, 30 x 40 in. or greater 23. Wood dining room chairs 24. Wood dining room buffets, servers, china & corner cabinets & other nonupholstered kitchen & dining room seating 25. Wood dining room buffets & servers 26. Wood dining room china & corner cabinets 27. Other nonupholstered wood dining room & kitchen seating 28. Other nonupholstered wood dining room & kitchen furniture, incl junior dining furniture sets 29. Nonupholst. wood dining/kitchen furn., oth. types, exc. cust. 30. Wood dining room & kitchen furniture, except kitchen cabinets, nsk 31. Wood bedroom furniture 32. Wood bedroom furniture, incl beds, headboards, bunk beds, cribs, cradles, etc. 33. Wood beds, excl headboards, headboard beds, bunk beds, cribs, cradles, hollywood beds & youth beds 34. Wood headboards & headboard beds, incl padded 35. Wood bunk beds, excl mattresses & detachable springs 36. Wood conventional water beds 37. Wood bedroom dressers, vanities & dressing tables 38. Wood bedroom chests of drawers 39. Wood bedroom wardrobes, chifforobes, armoires, wardrobe-type cabinets, cedar chests & night tables & stands 40. Wood bedroom wardrobes, chifforobes, armoires & wardrobe-type cabinets 41. Wood bedroom cedar chests 42. Wood bedroom night tables & stands 43. Other nonupholstered wood bedroom furniture, incl commodes, bed rails, chairs, valet stands, etc. /.. etc.