Vladimir L. Trofimov is the author and developer of high-resolution seismic technology (HRS-Geo Technology) for studying the lithological composition, reservoir properties, the nature and degree of reservoir rocks saturation with fluids, and for the direct detection of oil and gas deposits. Vladimir graduated from the Oktyabrsk Oil Technical College (Russia), Vakhrushev Sverdlovsk Mining Institute (SMI, Russia) and full-time postgraduate study at the Geological Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Russia). He received a PhD degree in Geology and Mineralogy, specializing in Seismic Exploration of Heterogeneous Media.
He worked in several geological and geophysical organizations of the USSR and Russia, performing seismic, geological and geophysical studies in various regions: Yakutia, Kazakhstan, the Southern Urals, Belarus, Western and Eastern Siberia, European regions of Russia and a number of foreign territories. During his career, Vladimir developed and applied new seismic methods for oil and gas exploration, detailed seismic modeling and well logging. At the Belarusian Research Geological Prospecting Institute (BelNIGRI, Belarus), with his scientific leadership, the studies have been carried out on: forecasting a geological section based on land and borehole seismic data; improving the physical and geological foundations of direct predicting of oil and gas content by geophysical methods; enhancing the methodology of polarization and multiwave seismic investigations, three-component borehole seismic monitoring for predicting man-made earthquakes; application of seismic prospecting for the study of heterogeneous geological environments. At the Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE, Russia) and at HRS-Geo Technology LLC (Russia), he has worked on the application of HRS-Geo Technology in various geological conditions for onshore and offshore oil and gas seismic exploration and 2D and 3D seismic surveys design. His research interestsare inverse problems of geophysics, geophysical methods of research, development of high-resolution seismic methods (HRS-Geo Technology) and complex interpretation of well and seismic data. Vladimir is the author of 93 scientific publications and more than 60 scientific and methodological reports on the integrated interpretation of seismic data and well logging. He is the author of a course of a lecture course "Polarization and multiwave seismic exploration".
Fanil F. Khaziev is the author and developer of high-resolution seismic technology (HRS-Geo Technology), for studying the lithological composition, reservoir properties, the nature and degree of reservoir rocks saturation, and for the direct detection of oil and gas deposits. He graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Russia) as a geologist-geophysicist. He has worked on the application of HRS-Geo Technology in various geological conditions for onshore and offshore oil and gas seismic exploration and 2D and 3D seismic surveys design. Fanil worked in the projects of the Polessk Geophysical Expedition of the Geology Department (PGE, Belarus), the Belarusian Research Geological Exploration Institute (BelNIGRI, Belarus), the Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE, Russia), HRS-Geo Technology LLC (Russia), etc. His research interests are seismic inverse dynamic problems, geophysical methods of well research, high-resolution seismic methods development, borehole log and seismic data complex interpretation. Fanil is an author of 69 scientific publications and more than 40 scientific and methodological reports on the integrated interpretation of seismic data and well logging data.
Alisa V. Trofimova is an engineer-mathematician working in the seismic exploration of oil and gas deposits and nuclear energy fields. Alisa holds a dual-major M.S. degree with honors in Mechanics and Applied Mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Russia), a M.S. degree in Engineering Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI, USA), and a PhD degree in Physics and Mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU, Russia), specializing in Mechanics of Fluids and Gases. Her research interests are computational fluid dynamics, mechanics of multiphase systems, underground hydro mechanics, geophysical research methods. Alisa is an author of 10 scientific publications.