Have an acquired taste? So do these ravenous futanari women! So savor it with them in three futa on male stories in one bundle! -- In An Orc's Prize, Milo, a crossdressing boy, is ambushed by thieves, but is 'rescued' by a brutish 'she' Orc and quickly learns that the barbaric warrior seeks a reward. But what will happen when the green-skinned amazon learns he is not the pretty damsel she thought he was? -- In Secret Ingredient a young femboy's strange craving always seems to be sated when he visits a special kind of restaurant and is waited on by a very special type of girl. -- And finally in Stranded, after her boat capsizes, a well endowed 'woman' finds herself on a tropical island inhabited by another group of castaways, who believe her to be some sort of Amazonian goddess.
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