Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your life? Do you really want to live in a better world? Would you like to know more about the world you are living in? Then, this is the right e-book for you!You will be taken on a captivating tour where you will be shown a wide range of topics which will help you to spot the best place in the world and, therefore, to find out your own Eden.The book takes into account the geophysical (climatic conditions, areas at greater risk from future earthquakes, hurricane danger zones and so on), economic (cost of living, tax pressure, inflation and so on) and social aspects (criminality index, education level, healthcare quality and so on) of each country in the world.Each chapter examines its topic in depth and, as pictures speak louder than words, a world map shows, in different colours, the specific conditions of the countries.The world is full of lies, of half-truths and of statistics as well. This is the reason why the figures of our world maps come from a reliable source. The statistical data are supplied by the leading organisations on the subject (ONU, World Bank, NOAA, etc..).These figures can be fully relied on.All you have to do is compare the different countries in the world and you will discover your own Eden, the real place able to meet your unique requirements and needs.N.B. Coloured maps inside