A lavish, Texas-sized Sweet Sixteen turns deadly in this twisty, pulse-pounding new novel - serving up a fresh take on a classic locked-room whodunnit. Let the festivities begin...
Today is Sophie Matthews's sixteenth birthday party, an exclusive black-tie bash in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, where secrets are as deep-rooted as the sprawling live oaks. Sophie's dad has spared no expense, and his renovated cliffside mansion-once thought haunted and shuttered for years from outsiders-is now open for the event of the season. Then, just before the candles on the three-tiered cake are blown out, a body falls from the balcony onto the starlit dance floor below.
But, who is the victim, and who is the killer?
There is Dani, the gorgeous new mother who's been plagued by self-doubt ever since the birth of her own baby girl.
Órlaith, the superstitious Irish nanny, who senses a looming danger in this cavernous house.
Mikayla, the birthday girl's best friend, who is not nearly as meek as the popular kids assume.
And Kim, the cunning ex-wife, who has a grudge she can't let go of...
Everyone is invited in. Not everyone will get out alive.
"My favorite kind of thriller- fun, twisty, fast-paced, and populated by characters who feel so real you'll want to invite them (well, some of them) to your next party." - New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hawkins
"I couldn't put it down!" - New York Times bestselling author Nina Simon
"Explodes from page one." - Bestselling author Amanda Eyre Ward
"This is the thriller of the summer." - Bestselling author Katie Gutierrez
Today is Sophie Matthews's sixteenth birthday party, an exclusive black-tie bash in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, where secrets are as deep-rooted as the sprawling live oaks. Sophie's dad has spared no expense, and his renovated cliffside mansion-once thought haunted and shuttered for years from outsiders-is now open for the event of the season. Then, just before the candles on the three-tiered cake are blown out, a body falls from the balcony onto the starlit dance floor below.
But, who is the victim, and who is the killer?
There is Dani, the gorgeous new mother who's been plagued by self-doubt ever since the birth of her own baby girl.
Órlaith, the superstitious Irish nanny, who senses a looming danger in this cavernous house.
Mikayla, the birthday girl's best friend, who is not nearly as meek as the popular kids assume.
And Kim, the cunning ex-wife, who has a grudge she can't let go of...
Everyone is invited in. Not everyone will get out alive.
"My favorite kind of thriller- fun, twisty, fast-paced, and populated by characters who feel so real you'll want to invite them (well, some of them) to your next party." - New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hawkins
"I couldn't put it down!" - New York Times bestselling author Nina Simon
"Explodes from page one." - Bestselling author Amanda Eyre Ward
"This is the thriller of the summer." - Bestselling author Katie Gutierrez
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