From America's beloved storyteller, Barbara Delinsky, comes a classic novel of a woman who sets her sights on adventure-and exposes her heart to love...
With one failed marriage behind her-and nothing to look forward to but a much-needed vacation-news photographer Eva Jordenson grabs her camera, claims her husband's airplane ticket, and heads off to Rio de Janeiro. Before she even leaves the airport, she zooms in on a strikingly handsome man who catches her eye with his dark smoldering looks. At her hotel, Eva collapses in bed and dreams of this gorgeous vision of a man. When she awakes, he is there. In the flesh. In her room. And, in the heat of the moment, in her arms. His name is Roberto, a Brazilian guide hired to lead her ex-husband on a search for a legendary gemstone. Now, it is Eva he will lead. Into the wild. To the peaks of passion. And beyond the point of no return...
Previously published as The Passionate Touch by Bonnie Drake
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