In a quaint village where the late Geppetto once lived, his creation, Pinocchio, finds himself engulfed in loneliness following the death of Geppetto's father. The wooden boy's solitude is soon interrupted by the cunning duo of a male cat and a sly fox, who deceitfully promise to transform all of Geppetto's remaining dolls into humans to alleviate Pinocchio's isolation. Trusting yet again, Pinocchio hands over the precious dolls only to discover their treachery-they had sold the dolls to a local shopkeeper. While confronting this betrayal at the doll shop, Pinocchio's gaze falls upon a beautifully crafted girl doll that stirs something deep within him. Overcome with an emotion he has never felt before, love blossoms in his wooden heart. Driven by this newfound affection, he vows to do whatever it takes to make her ...
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