Operation Underground In the fifth terrifying installment of Jack Douglas's six-part Quake, the survivors are forced to seek shelter from the devastation—in the pitch-black tunnels beneath the city. . . Before the earthquake destroyed New York City, the subway system provided fast, easy transport for every urban commuter. But now—buried beneath tons of concrete, rubble, and steel—the tunnels offer a very different kind of ride. Rats, sewage, and live electrical wires criss-cross the underground maze like a deadly web hungryfor new victims. Rotting corpses lay side by side in subway cars like dead-eyed fish. But for U.S. Attorney Nick Dykstra and a small band of survivors, the tunnels are the only route to safety—and their one last chance to get out of this alive. For Nick, the stakes are even higher. He's got to find his daughter at Columbia University—before a crazed escaped terrorist finds her first. . .. This is about more than survival. It's about revenge. And only one man will be left standing—after the QUAKE. 17,000 Words