This book has been specifically updated for Key Stage 4 GCSE and is written by the bestselling mathematics revision guide authors whose previous GCSE revision guide sold in excess of 3/4 million copies. It meets the needs of the estimated 500,000-plus examination candidates who sit the GCSE examination in 1993/4 and onwards. Revise Mathematics is designed and tested to bring your customers success in GCSE Key Stage 4:
- The Mathematics revision guide that teachers will recommend
- How to achieve the best level 'Intermediate' or 'Higher' examinations
- Full revision text with fully worked and explained answers
- New-specimen questions organized in Attainment Targets with checked answers to monitor progress
- Plenty of exam practice with real past papers
- Good study and revision tips and help with examination strategy
- From the publishers you can trust - Macmillan Revise Mathematics covers each of the new GCSE attainment targets in turn: Number, Algebra, Shape and Size, and Handling Data. Model questions with fully checked solutions provided by the Examination Boards for 1994, are included along with extensive exam-type revision questions. Revise Mathematics has been prepared for use by candidates working for 'intermediate' or 'higher' grade results in the examination.
- The Mathematics revision guide that teachers will recommend
- How to achieve the best level 'Intermediate' or 'Higher' examinations
- Full revision text with fully worked and explained answers
- New-specimen questions organized in Attainment Targets with checked answers to monitor progress
- Plenty of exam practice with real past papers
- Good study and revision tips and help with examination strategy
- From the publishers you can trust - Macmillan Revise Mathematics covers each of the new GCSE attainment targets in turn: Number, Algebra, Shape and Size, and Handling Data. Model questions with fully checked solutions provided by the Examination Boards for 1994, are included along with extensive exam-type revision questions. Revise Mathematics has been prepared for use by candidates working for 'intermediate' or 'higher' grade results in the examination.