This story now follows the journey of Hana and Riku, a couple who have dedicated their lives to integrating traditional Okinawan medicine with modern medical practices. Their work garners international attention, leading to an invitation to present at a prestigious medical conference in Tokyo. While the opportunity is exciting, it also brings back painful memories for Hana, who is apprehensive about returning to the city she once called home. At the conference, they are approached by Dr. Kato, a renowned cardiovascular researcher, who offers them a chance to join a global initiative-an opportunity that could take their work to new heights but requires relocating to Tokyo. Hana and Riku face the difficult decision of whether to leave behind their tranquil life in Okinawa for the fast-paced environment of Tokyo. Through deep reflection and open communication, they decide to accept Dr. Kato's offer but on their terms, proposing a hybrid model that allows them to maintain their connection to Okinawa while contributing to the global initiative. Their decision not only strengthens their professional collaboration but also deepens their personal bond, culminating in Riku's heartfelt proposal of marriage, which Hana joyfully accepts.
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