In this deeply moving and life-affirming tale, a mother must nurture her five-year-old son through an unfathomable situation with only the power of their imagination and their boundless capacity to love.
Written for the stage by Academy Award® nominee Emma Donoghue, this unique theatrical adaptation featuring songs and music by Kathryn Joseph and director Cora Bissett takes audiences on a richly emotional journey told through ingenious stagecraft, powerhouse performances, and heart-stopping storytelling.
Room reaffirms our belief in humanity and the astounding resilience of the human spirit.
This updated and revised edition was published to coincide with the Broadway premiere in Spring 2023.
Written for the stage by Academy Award® nominee Emma Donoghue, this unique theatrical adaptation featuring songs and music by Kathryn Joseph and director Cora Bissett takes audiences on a richly emotional journey told through ingenious stagecraft, powerhouse performances, and heart-stopping storytelling.
Room reaffirms our belief in humanity and the astounding resilience of the human spirit.
This updated and revised edition was published to coincide with the Broadway premiere in Spring 2023.