Paolo Euron has published three books of poetry: Diary in Second Person (1997), Nothing You Learn From Too Slow Defeats (2004) and The Third Book (2014), along with some poems on reviews. These book presents a choice of poems, selected and translated by the author, followed by the Italian text. These poems, which span on twenty years, are about love, about the great questions of life, written with commitment and irony at the same time. They are in the great tradition of European poetry, from Rilke to Montale. Paolo Euron is a professor of History of Western Ideas and Italian Literature at the Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. He has written several books and essays of aesthetics and philosophy, among them Art, Beauty and Imitation. An Outline of Aesthetics (2009), Poetry and Knowledge in Romantic Philosophy (2010), Philosophically (2013), and works of fiction.