¿¿Another world thrives beneath the waves...
Shimako and the Undersea Kingdom is an Urban Fantasy novel, based on the ancient Japanese folktale known as "Urashima Taro". The story follows Kamiyama Shimako; the 22-year-old son of a fisherman, living in a beachside town in Japan. When he's approached by a shapeshifting turtle who is actually a beautiful royal retainer, he'll go on a fantastical adventure in an undersea dragon kingdom. There he'll unlock his immense magical power, solve the mysteries of his mother's past, and defeat a horrifying dark goddess that's plaguing the kingdom
The ROYAL DRAGON EDITION has finally arrived! Includes extended/bonus scenes, a brand new cover, and a map of Ryugu-jo as a thank you to everyone who has supported this endeavor thus far!
Shimako and the Undersea Kingdom is an Urban Fantasy novel, based on the ancient Japanese folktale known as "Urashima Taro". The story follows Kamiyama Shimako; the 22-year-old son of a fisherman, living in a beachside town in Japan. When he's approached by a shapeshifting turtle who is actually a beautiful royal retainer, he'll go on a fantastical adventure in an undersea dragon kingdom. There he'll unlock his immense magical power, solve the mysteries of his mother's past, and defeat a horrifying dark goddess that's plaguing the kingdom
The ROYAL DRAGON EDITION has finally arrived! Includes extended/bonus scenes, a brand new cover, and a map of Ryugu-jo as a thank you to everyone who has supported this endeavor thus far!
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