Based on over twenty years of experience, the author of this practical guide provides the executive with a comprehensive discussion of the issues and tools involved in the location or relocation of a business operation. A company's search for the ideal site is one of the most important managerial functions. The firm may need to expand for the development of new products, new markets, or additional production capacity. In some cases, a new location may be needed to house newly developed production equipment or to obtain higher efficiency and reduced operating costs. Other reasons include security, lower labor cost, and access to raw materials. Whatever the reason, a well-defined plan and detailed analysis program will aid and simplify the process. The author walks the reader through each stage in the process, from planning the move, organizing and administering the search, and selecting the general area to evaluating a specific community and site and assembling a final report. The book provides helpful tables and survey samples, making it easier to utilize the information effectively. Besides executives involved in the process, economic development specialists and students will find the book useful.