This delightful collection of fairy tales contains six fanciful and whimsical stories for young ones to enjoy. They are:
Six Giants and a Griffin,
Gertrude's Visit to the Moon
Jane and the Bears
Sapphira and the Flying Pig
The Christmas Trees, and;
Mother Goose's Party.
It is charmingly illustrated with 6 glossy black and white plates, one of them colourised. This fantastical collection is a great addition to the fairy tale book collector's library. 90 pages
10% of the profit from the sale of this story will be donated to charities.
Yesterday’s Books for Today’s Charities.
Keywords/Tags: Teddy, Sapphira, Jane, Flying Pig, Bear, balls, Mother, Cockatoo, cage, Goose, beautiful, squirrel, Christmas, six giants, Gertrude, Mamma, Walruses, gold, sea, Prince, silver, Griffin, moon, orange, pie, gnomes, Crown, Jill, King, Squawking, Bo-peep, funny, Jack, Jimmy, Queen, ring, Amorita, Sadie, Silverlocks, Angel, books, cakes, Santa Claus, fairy, invitation, Looking-glass, palace, princess, fairy wings, excitement, mermaid, oak-tree, Wanamaker's, waves, wolf, woods, Cinderella, delicious, doll, elephants, efalents, Estelle, ephalents, Gertrude's, Goldy, Mother Goose, maid, pleasure, scream, skirts, tails, whistle, wild, blackbirds, cows, Fairyland, four-and-twenty, Grandmother's, hullabaloo, in a jiffy, Jingles, magnificent, message, Moon, man in the moon, nightgown, Nurse, pearls, peculiar, Pinky, pretty, pumpkin, Red-tail, Rhymes, Children's stories, Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends, Folklore, Storytelling, fables, storyteller,
Six Giants and a Griffin,
Gertrude's Visit to the Moon
Jane and the Bears
Sapphira and the Flying Pig
The Christmas Trees, and;
Mother Goose's Party.
It is charmingly illustrated with 6 glossy black and white plates, one of them colourised. This fantastical collection is a great addition to the fairy tale book collector's library. 90 pages
10% of the profit from the sale of this story will be donated to charities.
Yesterday’s Books for Today’s Charities.
Keywords/Tags: Teddy, Sapphira, Jane, Flying Pig, Bear, balls, Mother, Cockatoo, cage, Goose, beautiful, squirrel, Christmas, six giants, Gertrude, Mamma, Walruses, gold, sea, Prince, silver, Griffin, moon, orange, pie, gnomes, Crown, Jill, King, Squawking, Bo-peep, funny, Jack, Jimmy, Queen, ring, Amorita, Sadie, Silverlocks, Angel, books, cakes, Santa Claus, fairy, invitation, Looking-glass, palace, princess, fairy wings, excitement, mermaid, oak-tree, Wanamaker's, waves, wolf, woods, Cinderella, delicious, doll, elephants, efalents, Estelle, ephalents, Gertrude's, Goldy, Mother Goose, maid, pleasure, scream, skirts, tails, whistle, wild, blackbirds, cows, Fairyland, four-and-twenty, Grandmother's, hullabaloo, in a jiffy, Jingles, magnificent, message, Moon, man in the moon, nightgown, Nurse, pearls, peculiar, Pinky, pretty, pumpkin, Red-tail, Rhymes, Children's stories, Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends, Folklore, Storytelling, fables, storyteller,