In this enthralling story by the "royal historian of Oz," a little girl named Trot and an elderly sailor named Cap'n Bill continue their adventures following their trip to the Sea Fairies. Trot, Cap'n Bill, and their companion, a young kid named Button-bright, were pleased to leave Sky Island, a marvelous fairyland in sky country, after experiencing some bad experiences there. The three travelers are transported to this island in the sky by a magical umbrella. There, they meet the six snub-nosed princesses, find the King's treasure chamber, run into a blue wolf, meet Tourmaline the poverty Queen, and Rosalie the Witch, and ultimately return home after a protracted voyage. This volume is a pleasant addition to Dover's popular series of Oz novels and will please both seasoned Oz readers and those unfamiliar with L. Frank Baum's fantastical worlds
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