Collection of Famous Classic Fiction Stories
Introduction -- Steve Brown's bunyip -- Dead Man's Camp -- The shanghai-ing of Peter Barlow -- 'Ex Sardanapalus' -- 'Mo-poke' -- Keeping school at 'Dead Finish' -- 'Number One North Rainbow' -- The protection of the 'Sparrowhawk' -- The Duke of Silversheen -- The officer in charge -- 'Sojur Jim' -- Far inland football -- On the grand stand -- Too far south -- The mission to Dingo Creek -- Books at Barracaboo -- 'Barton's jackaroo' -- Told in the 'Corona's' cabin -- 'Dot's Claim' -- A Cape Horn Christmas.
Introduction -- Steve Brown's bunyip -- Dead Man's Camp -- The shanghai-ing of Peter Barlow -- 'Ex Sardanapalus' -- 'Mo-poke' -- Keeping school at 'Dead Finish' -- 'Number One North Rainbow' -- The protection of the 'Sparrowhawk' -- The Duke of Silversheen -- The officer in charge -- 'Sojur Jim' -- Far inland football -- On the grand stand -- Too far south -- The mission to Dingo Creek -- Books at Barracaboo -- 'Barton's jackaroo' -- Told in the 'Corona's' cabin -- 'Dot's Claim' -- A Cape Horn Christmas.