Immune to pain, invincible in combat. The most terrible of all demons...
In Japanese mythology, the Tengu is a living force of evil that infects its followers with the mad strength of the beserker and the capacity to survive attack from any weapon.
At the close of World War II, the Tengu was Japan's most terrifying secret weapon. Now the demon is unleashed again - this time in a diabolical plot to wreak vengeance on America for the mega-destruction of Hiroshima...
'One of the most original and frightening storytellers of our time' PETER JAMES.
'A true master of horror' JAMES HERBERT.
In Japanese mythology, the Tengu is a living force of evil that infects its followers with the mad strength of the beserker and the capacity to survive attack from any weapon.
At the close of World War II, the Tengu was Japan's most terrifying secret weapon. Now the demon is unleashed again - this time in a diabolical plot to wreak vengeance on America for the mega-destruction of Hiroshima...
'One of the most original and frightening storytellers of our time' PETER JAMES.
'A true master of horror' JAMES HERBERT.