Set in the aftermath of the 2011 London riots, the story follows two Charlton Men as their lives become intertwined with the fortunes of their local football club. Lance, a Londoner, has followed Charlton his whole life from childhood right up until his return from Afghanistan, scarred by war and feeling abandoned after the sacrifices he has made for his country. The club colours run deep in his blood and he searches for meaning in a place and world that he isn't able to make sense of anymore, as he comes to terms with civilian life.
Fergus, an Irishman, comes to London to get a fresh start and finds himself falling in love not once, but twice first with the club and riots and his friendship with Lance, and second with a mysterious Marilyn Monroe lookalike whose darker side ripples beneath the surface. But when Lance falls for the same woman, the two men find themselves pitted against one another as competitors for her affection.
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