1. Introduction: Thinking about Personal and A-Personal Aspects of the Divine
Simon Kittle and Georg Gasser
Section I: A-Personal Aspects of the Divine: Theoretical Virtues and Limits
2. Personal Theism vs. A-Personal Axiarchism
Yujin Nagasawa3. Life and Finite Individuality: Revisiting a debate in British Idealism
N. N. Trakakis4. Hope for Ultimate Goodness within Theism and Euteleology
Georg Gasser5. Is God a Person? Maimonidean and Neo-Maimonidean Perspectives
Samuel Lebens6. On Timelessness and Mystery
Natalja Deng7. Classical Islamic Conceptions of God and Revelation: God Is Not a Person but Can Speak
Mohammad Saleh ZarepourSection II: Personal Aspects of the Divine: Theoretical Virtues and Limits
8. Metatheology and the Ontology of Divinity
Jonathan L. Kvanvig9. What we cannot know about God
Richard Swinburne10. Against Synchronic Free Will: Or, why a personal God must be temporal
Simon Kittle11. An Apophatic Approach to God's 'Personal' Nature
Christopher C. Knight12. Impassibility, Omnisubjectivity and Divine Eternality
R. T. MullinsSection III: Practical Implications of Personal and A-Personal Aspects of the Divine
13. Spiritual Practice and Divine Personhood
Mark Wynn14. A-Personal conceptions of God and the Christian promise of eternal life
John Bishop and Ken Perszyk15. Can only a suffering God help?
Anastasia Philippa Scrutton16. Could we worship a non-human-centred impersonal cosmic purpose?
Tim Mulgan17. A God for the Atheists and Nones? Exploring Chinese and Indian Nonpersonal Conceptions of Ultimate Reality
Mark Berkson