A remarkable team of contributors based across 19 countries explores and explains events worldwide affecting the natural family-married father and mother with biological children -detailing concepts and benefits of natural family that have been taken for granted across centuries, but are now being challenged in many ways. These scholars-many admittedly taking stands that may be deemed politically incorrect-conclude that natural family is being threatened, and is vital to provide common ground among all societies, cultures and religious traditions. Psychologists, sociologists, economists, theologians, lawyers, health care professionals and award-winning journalists are among the chapter authors, as are Nobel Prize Laureate Gary Becker, U.S. Department of Health Assistant Secretary for Children and Families Wade Horn, and former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Bin Mohamad. Whether or not you agree with their arguments, science and conclusions, you'll want to know what these influential figures are saying. Addressing many lightning-rod issues, from divorce and abortion to euthanasia and same-sex marriage, writers here span the world from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to Australia, Turkey, India, and China. Intellectuals included are associated with institutions from Brigham Young University, Georgetown School of Medicine and the Boston College School of Law, to the University of Geneva, and the Maxim Institute in New Zealand.