اتصف المزارع خليل بالجد والمثابرة فشعر المزارعون بالغيرة منه ، ودبروا له مكيدة كبيرة ، لكنه لم يضعف ولم يستسلم بل واصل طريقه بالعزيمة والإصرار، وفي الوقت نفسه لم ينتقم من الذين أساؤوا إليه لأنّ التسامح والمغفرة صفة الأشخاص العظماء بأخلاقهم .
Farmer Khalil is the hardest working and most successful farmer in the village. His crops thrive under his patient care and his business is booming as the local merchants always choose to buy produce from him, something not lost on the other farmers in the village.
When the other jealous farmers burn down Farmer Khalil’s crops in a malicious act, he is despaired for a time but is determined to rebuild his life. Through hard work and perseverance, he is able to rebuild his livelihood and never shies away from helping others in need, regardless if they are the very people who had harmed him.
Farmer Khalil is the hardest working and most successful farmer in the village. His crops thrive under his patient care and his business is booming as the local merchants always choose to buy produce from him, something not lost on the other farmers in the village.
When the other jealous farmers burn down Farmer Khalil’s crops in a malicious act, he is despaired for a time but is determined to rebuild his life. Through hard work and perseverance, he is able to rebuild his livelihood and never shies away from helping others in need, regardless if they are the very people who had harmed him.