The Go-Getter tells the story of Bill Clegg, an ambitious young salesman, who is set on a seemingly impossible task when his boss, a crusty old-timer named Cappy Riggs, decides to test his mettle. Charismatic and incredibly determined, Bill charmed his way into Riggs's employment and is resolved to meet his boss's expectations¿no matter what may ensue. Along the way, Clegg develops and demonstrates the critical values of drive, determination, honesty, and integrity. With delightfully old-fashioned prose and a modern message of drive and determination, The Go-Getter is a truly timeless illustration of the perseverance and resolve that are required to fuel true ambition.
A native of San Francisco, Peter B. Kyne was a prolific screenwriter and the author of the 1920 bestseller Kindred of the Dust. His stories of Cappy Ricks and the Rick's Logging & Lumbering Company were serialized in 'The Saturday Evening Post' and William Randolph Hearst's Cosmopolitan magazine. He died in 1957.
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