The 1990s television show Animaniacs, with its sharp wit, double entendres, and zany humor reminiscent of the Golden Age Warner Brothers cartoons, was a hit with adults and children alike. The music used in Animaniacs played a vital role in its popularity and still does, as is evident from the number of hits on YouTube for songs like "Yakko's World" and "Wakko's America." In The Music of Animaniacs: Postmodern Nostalgia in a Cartoon World, the first ever book-length study on the subject, Lisa Scoggin examines how the music functions in Animaniacs, from its basis in the sounds of Carl Stalling to its role in parody to its use in the educational segments. Through this, the author touches upon musical theatre, country music and nostalgia, Woodstock, censorship, classical music reception, limited animation, and characterization through music, as well as many other topics. Written with both the music scholar and layperson in mind, this book will appeal not only to those who enjoy the show, but also to those who are interested in parody, nostalgia, the study of pop culture, and music in animation in general.
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