"The Piccadilly Puzzle" by Fergus Hume is a captivating mystery novel set in the bustling streets of London. The story revolves around the enigmatic disappearance of a wealthy businessman, Mr. John Thornton. As the city is abuzz with speculation, detective Frank Urwin takes on the challenging task of unravelling the Piccadilly Puzzle. Urwin dives deep into the intricate web of clues and suspects, following a trail that leads him through the city's underworld and high society. With each revelation, the puzzle becomes more complex, and Urwin finds himself entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. "The Piccadilly Puzzle" is a suspenseful and engaging read that keeps readers guessing until the final pages. Fergus Hume's intricate plotting and vivid descriptions bring the vibrant setting of Victorian London to life, while the well-drawn characters and unexpected twists add to the intrigue.
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