- Sætnan, Schneider and Green: The politics of Big Data: Big Data, big brother? Introduction to the volume
Section One) Principles and Paradigms: Questioning the tenets of Big Data
2) Saetnan: The haystack fallacy, or why Big Data provides little security
3) Matzner: Grasping the ethics and politics of algorithms
4) Strauss: Big Data - within the tides of securitisation?
5) Matzner: Surveillance as critical paradigm for Big Data?
Section Two) Big Data Policies: Politics of Governance and Regulation
6) Rieder: Tracing Big Data imaginaries through public policy: The case of the European Commission
7) Pasquale: The automated public sphere
8) Schneider: Bringing the state back in: Big Data-based capitalism, disruption, and novel regulatory approaches in Europe
9) Simões and Jerónimo: Rear window - transparent citizens versus political participation
10) Tøndel and Sætnan: Fading dots, disappearing lines - Surveillance and Big Data in news media after the Snowden revelations
Section Three) Performance is Political: Big Data Practices, Performance, and Resistance
11) Bellanova and Gonzalez Fuster: No (Big) Data, no fiction? Thinking surveillance with/against Netflix
12) Fleischhack: 'Data trainings' in German schools - Learning empowerment from hackers
13) Ochs: Self-protection beyond the self: Collective privacy practices in (Big) datascapes
14) Noorman/Wessels/Sveinsdottir/Wyatt: Understanding the 'open' in
making research data open: Policy rhetoric and research practice
15) Green: Postscript: Big Data's methodological challenges