Following on from The Prince's Son, continue reading the gripping Five Kingdoms fantasy adventure...
In the aftermath of the devastating coup, King Marten strives to rebuild his subjects' confidence in the throne, but not all his councillors believe the young monarch is ready to rule alone. An assassin's stalking him, his closest advisor has been murdered, and rumours have surfaced that the malicious god's cult is reborn.
As Marten grapples with a dark, personal secret, who can he trust?
Meanwhile, fledgling spy, Lady Betha, successfully infiltrates a conspiracy. However, getting back out alive with information vital to the king's survival may prove beyond her capabilities.
And as Rustam and Risada search for Risada's kidnapped son, they find the dual-natured deity meddling with their lives again. If only they could tell which apect: god or goddess, evil or good?
The fate of the land--and possibly mankind--depends on each of them completing their tasks. Problem is, with both sides of the deity now openly interfering in human affairs, will they all survive?
In the aftermath of the devastating coup, King Marten strives to rebuild his subjects' confidence in the throne, but not all his councillors believe the young monarch is ready to rule alone. An assassin's stalking him, his closest advisor has been murdered, and rumours have surfaced that the malicious god's cult is reborn.
As Marten grapples with a dark, personal secret, who can he trust?
Meanwhile, fledgling spy, Lady Betha, successfully infiltrates a conspiracy. However, getting back out alive with information vital to the king's survival may prove beyond her capabilities.
And as Rustam and Risada search for Risada's kidnapped son, they find the dual-natured deity meddling with their lives again. If only they could tell which apect: god or goddess, evil or good?
The fate of the land--and possibly mankind--depends on each of them completing their tasks. Problem is, with both sides of the deity now openly interfering in human affairs, will they all survive?
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