The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
First published in 1886, Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a timeless gothic classic that explores the duality of human nature. The story follows the respectable Dr. Jekyll, whose experiments lead to the creation of his sinister alter ego, Mr. Hyde. Set against the backdrop of Victorian London, this gripping novella delves into themes of morality, identity, and the conflict between good and evil.
This digital edition preserves the original text and has been carefully formatted for an enhanced reading experience. Perfect for fans of mystery, horror, and thought-provoking literature.
First published in 1886, Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a timeless gothic classic that explores the duality of human nature. The story follows the respectable Dr. Jekyll, whose experiments lead to the creation of his sinister alter ego, Mr. Hyde. Set against the backdrop of Victorian London, this gripping novella delves into themes of morality, identity, and the conflict between good and evil.
This digital edition preserves the original text and has been carefully formatted for an enhanced reading experience. Perfect for fans of mystery, horror, and thought-provoking literature.