Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: 2.0, University of Erfurt, language: English, abstract: In dieser 26-seitigen Hausarbeit geht es um das Unterrichten von Vokabeln (= Wortschatzarbeit) im Fremdsprachenunterricht der Grundschule. Die Hausarbeit ist in englischer Sprache verfasst. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis gibt Einblick in die detaillierte Aufarbeitung des Themas: I. INTRODUCTION II. MAIN PART 1. The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary 1.1. Vocabulary Development in the Primary Grades 1.2. Educator’s View on Teaching Vocabulary 1.3. Memory and Storage Systems 1.4. Why Vocabulary is Important 1.5. Levels of Word Knowledge 2. Teaching Vocabulary 2.1. Which Words Should be Taught 2.1.1. Basic Functional Vocabulary 2.2. Ways of Teaching Vocabulary 2.2.1. Strategies 2.2.2. Teaching Concepts 2.2.3. Teaching Methods 2.2.4. Specific Approaches to Teaching Oral Language Nursery Rhymes Situational Games Picture Talks Stories Playlets Dialogue 2.2.5. Different Learning Styles 2.3. Pronunciation 2.4. Definitions Help to Built Up Vocabulary 2.5. The Importance of Practice 2.6. Assessment III. CONCLUSION IV. REFERENCES V. APPENDIX: Practical Activities for Vocabulary Learning