The Towering World of Jimmy Choo is Sex and the City meets Barbarians at the Gate: the story of a London society girl named Tamara Mellon who launched one of the most talked about luxury brands in the world. More than simply a well-told tale of glamorous, troubled people, The Towering World of Jimmy Choo taps into America's seemingly insatiable appetite for luxury goods and examines an industry that has experienced explosive growth in just the past decade. Compelling to followers of both fashion and business, The Towering World of Jimmy Choo takes readers into a complex, rarified world as only seasoned financial journalist, Lauren Goldstein Crowe, and leading luxury goods equity analyst, Sagra Maceria de Rosen, can tell it. Millions of people now work in fashion, read the magazines and follow the key players--even if they can't afford the clothes. The story of how the Jimmy Choo brand got to where it is today is one of love, hate, sex, drugs, celebrity, power, money, intrigue and ambition. And every word of it is true.