Phil Ledbetter is a passionate advocate of the Toyota Production System and the many benefits it can provide for business. He worked as a leader in management with Toyota Motor Manufacturing - KY for 16 years. As Group Leader, he learned, practiced, and taught the many elements of the TPS. He was certified as a kaizen leader where he taught other members of the management team problem solving. In his time at Toyota he was immersed in all aspects of TPS.
Phil is an accomplished teacher and conference speaker having developed classes for and taught hundreds of employees on all aspects of the Toyota Production System. Since leaving Toyota, Phil has been instrumental in the implementation of various Toyota methods in the cabinet, decorative glass, and crane fields including successful implementation of pull systems, quality systems, andon systems and 5S programs among other accomplishments. He's also been a franchised small business owner.
He has:
- First hand, hands-on knowledge of the Toyota Production System (16 years in management at Toyota).
- The ability to adapt TPS knowledge to the particular context.
- Excellent problem solving skills. Passionate about true lean/TPS. .
Demonstrated expertise in the Toyota Production System, *Certified Kaizen Train-the-Trainer, *Quality Circle Advisor, *7-Step Problem Solving (A3), *Hoshin Kanri, *Heijunka, *Jidoka, *5S, *Continuous One-Piece Flow, *Visual Controls, *Standardized Work, *SMED, *Pull Systems, *Poke Yoke, *Andon, *TWI, *TPM, *Budgeting/Forecasting, *Inventory Management, *Interviewing