List of Abbreviations.- Introduction Synoptic Table.- Sensory Conduction Studies Index (by Practical Criteria).- Motor Conduction Studies Index (by Practical Criteria).- Part I Sensory Conduction Studies.- S1 Digit V - Wrist, Elbow.- S2 Digit V - Wrist, Above Elbow; Wrist - Elbow; Elbow - Axilla .- S3 Digit V - Wrist, Elbow, Axilla; Wrist - Elbow, Axilla.- S4 Digit IV, V - Wrist, Elbow; Digit IV, V - Wrist.- S5 Wrist, Elbow - Digit IV, V; Wrist - Digit IV, V.- S6Digit V - Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow.- S7 Digit II, V - Wrist.- S8 Wrist, Elbow - Digit V.- S9 Wrist - Digit II, V.- S10 Digit V - Palm, Wrist, Elbow; Wrist - Elbow, Axilla.- S11 Digit I, II, III, V - Wrist.- S12 Wrist, Palm - Digit II, V.- S13 Wrist - Dorsal Hand.- S14 Forearm - Dorsal Hand; Dorsal Hand - Forearm.- S15 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Upper Arm - Digit V.- S16 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Axilla - Digit V.- S17 Wrist -Arm, Axilla; Below Elbow - Axilla; Digit V - Arm.- S18 Forearm - Dorsal Hand.- S19 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Digit V.- S20 Palm - Distal Forearm, Elbow.- S21 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Digit V; Digit V - Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow; Wrist - Below Elbow, Above Elbow.- S22 Wrist - Above Elbow.- S23 Wrist - Elbow; Elbow - Axilla.- S24 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Digit V.- Part II Motor Conduction Studies.- M1 Wrist, Elbow, Axilla - Hand.- M2Elbow, Wrist - Hand.- M3 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Mid-Arm, Axilla - Hand.- M4 Wrist, Above Elbow - Hand.- M5 Wrist, Above Elbow, Axilla - Hand.- M6 Axilla, Above Elbow, Mid-Forearm, Wrist - Hand.- M7 Axilla, Elbow, Wrist - Hand.- M8 Wrist, Lower Forearm, Upper Forearm, Elbow, Arm - Hand.- M9 Axilla, Above Elbow, Wrist - Hand.- M10 Wrist, Elbow - Hand.- M11Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Axilla - Hand.- M12 Wrist, Below Elbow, Elbow, Above Elbow, Erb's Point - Hand.- M13 Wrist - Hand.- M14 Axilla, Above Sulcus, Below Sulcus, Wrist - Hand; Above Sulcus - Forearm.- M15 Wrist, Elbow, Arm - Hand.- M16 Wrist - Hand; Elbow - Hand; Axilla - Hand.- M17 Axilla, Above Elbow, Below Elbow, Wrist - Hand.- M18 Wrist, Elbow, Above Elbow, Erb's Point - Hand.- M19 Wrist, Elbow - Hand.- M20 Axilla, Above Elbow, Below Elbow, Wrist - Hand.- M21 Wrist - Hand; Elbow - Hand.- M22 Wrist - Hand.- M23Elbow, Wrist, Palm - Hand.- M24 Wrist, Elbow, Axilla, Erb's Point - Hand.- M25 Above Sulcus, Below Sulcus, Wrist - Hand.- M26 Axilla, Above Elbow, Below Elbow, Wrist - Hand; Above Elbow to Below Elbow - Hand.- M27 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Upper Arm - Hand; Upper Arm, Above Elbow - Forearm.- M28 Wrist - Hand.- M29 Wrist, Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand; Elbow, Above Elbow - Forearm.- M30 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow, Axilla - Hand.- M31 Wrist - Hand.- M32 Wrist - Hand.- M33 Below Elbow to Above Elbow - Hand.- M34 Below Elbow to Above Elbow - Hand.- M35Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Forearm; Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand.- M36 Above Wrist to Below Wrist - Hand.- M37 Palm, Wrist, Above Elbow, Axilla, Erb's Point - Hand.- M38 Palm, Wrist - Hand; Palm, Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand.- M39 Below Elbow to Above Elbow - Forearm; Below Elbow to Above Elbow - Hand.- M40 Wrist - Hand.- M41 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand.- M42 Wrist, Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand.- M43 Below Elbow, Above Elbow - Hand.- 44Wrist - Hand.- Glossary.