Allah the Exalted has ordained that His servants should strive to earn and consume only halal sustenance. While He, in His infinite mercy, guarantees provision for all creation, human endeavor is essential for its acquisition. A Muslim's duty is to engage in honorable work and lead a virtuous life.
The Way of Ahlullah: Earning and Eating Halal delves into the nature of rizq, its various forms, the virtues of seeking halal provisions, the importance of work, the impact of food on one's physical and spiritual well-being, and the ethical considerations that merchants and traders must uphold.
The Way of Ahlullah: Earning and Eating Halal delves into the nature of rizq, its various forms, the virtues of seeking halal provisions, the importance of work, the impact of food on one's physical and spiritual well-being, and the ethical considerations that merchants and traders must uphold.