Seventeen-year-old Aveline Fairweather lives in the secluded Weaver’s Valley, a world where time is woven into shimmering tapestries by the revered Threadkeepers. Each iridescent thread represents a moment, each knot an event, creating a living history. But beneath the valley’s tranquil surface lies a chilling secret. While mending a centuries-old tapestry, Aveline glimpses a hidden darkness, a rebellion erased from history by the Guild of Threadkeepers. This discovery catapults her into the Guild’s inner sanctum, where the enigmatic Master Loomwright reveals a terrible truth: the Guild manipulates time, weaving threads of despair to maintain their power. Seduced by the ability to mend these broken threads, Aveline embraces her newfound power, unaware of the human cost.
As she witnesses the Guild's callous disregard for the lives they alter, her conscience awakens. The idyllic valley transforms into a gilded cage, its peace built on manufactured sorrow. Aveline's unease blossoms into rebellion, fueled by her ostracized friend, Elara, a weaver of untamed, forbidden magic. Together, they escape into the Whispering Woods, a realm warped by the Guild’s temporal experiments, where time loops and folds. There they find Laura, an inventor haunted by a brother whose potential was erased, wielding empathy-powered machines that expose the stark contrast between the Guild's manipulated reality and the true tapestry of existence.
Their journey leads them to the Obsidian City, a shimmering metropolis built on stolen memories. Here, they join forces with Malik, a charismatic poet whose words can momentarily reshape reality, weaving glimpses of a brighter future. He reveals the Unraveling, a looming temporal anomaly orchestrated by the Loomwright to reshape the world according to his twisted vision. Each mended thread, while restoring moments of happiness, carries a terrible consequence – the fracturing of other timelines. Aveline grapples with this moral dilemma, her initial elation turning into chilling self-doubt.
As the Unraveling draws near, Aveline uncovers the Loomwright’s ultimate secret: he isn't just controlling time; he’s stealing it, weaving threads of stolen futures to prolong his own life. With the fate of reality hanging in the balance, Aveline must choose between mending the largest broken thread, potentially erasing her own awakening, or accepting a fractured reality to preserve the future. In the heart of the swirling temporal vortex, facing
As she witnesses the Guild's callous disregard for the lives they alter, her conscience awakens. The idyllic valley transforms into a gilded cage, its peace built on manufactured sorrow. Aveline's unease blossoms into rebellion, fueled by her ostracized friend, Elara, a weaver of untamed, forbidden magic. Together, they escape into the Whispering Woods, a realm warped by the Guild’s temporal experiments, where time loops and folds. There they find Laura, an inventor haunted by a brother whose potential was erased, wielding empathy-powered machines that expose the stark contrast between the Guild's manipulated reality and the true tapestry of existence.
Their journey leads them to the Obsidian City, a shimmering metropolis built on stolen memories. Here, they join forces with Malik, a charismatic poet whose words can momentarily reshape reality, weaving glimpses of a brighter future. He reveals the Unraveling, a looming temporal anomaly orchestrated by the Loomwright to reshape the world according to his twisted vision. Each mended thread, while restoring moments of happiness, carries a terrible consequence – the fracturing of other timelines. Aveline grapples with this moral dilemma, her initial elation turning into chilling self-doubt.
As the Unraveling draws near, Aveline uncovers the Loomwright’s ultimate secret: he isn't just controlling time; he’s stealing it, weaving threads of stolen futures to prolong his own life. With the fate of reality hanging in the balance, Aveline must choose between mending the largest broken thread, potentially erasing her own awakening, or accepting a fractured reality to preserve the future. In the heart of the swirling temporal vortex, facing