"Three Little Maids" is a children's book written by Ethel Turner. The story follows the adventures of three young girls - Nora, Peggy, and Topsy - who are sent to stay with their grandmother in the countryside while their mother is away. The girls are initially hesitant about the move, but they soon discover that life in the country is full of exciting new experiences. As the girls explore their new surroundings, they encounter a variety of colorful characters, including a mischievous young boy named Jack and a wise old gardener named Mr. Twig. Along the way, they learn important lessons about friendship, courage, and the beauty of the natural world. The book is beautifully written, with vivid descriptions and charming characters that are sure to captivate young readers. It also contains important themes about the importance of family, community, and the environment, making it a valuable addition to any child's library.
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