The story follows the life of Debora and her sister as they were suddenly, without warning, transplanted from their comfortable home and familiar surroundings to an unimaginably wretched place we will call Slotpot. Their lives were turned upside down from a comfortable home of six rooms to a two-room slave house the family shared with an elderly tightwad of an uncle. He made them burn a kerosene lamp so they wouldn't "make the light bill go up!" In winter, if they went into the kitchen, they had to dress full blastcoat, boots, the works. In the summer, every now and then, a snake would make its appearance crossing the spacey cross ties that was used to build the kitchen floor. If you think that was something, the people of "Slotpot" were unbelievable! Everybodyand I do mean everybodychewed tobacco! The youngest Debora saw was three. Nevertheless, Slotpot would be called home for the next eight months, which seemed like a lifetime.
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