Trillio is a tiny songbird, born late in the season. His story tells of how he and his family set off late for their migratory voyage South. We follow them every wing-beat of their journey experiencing alongside the difficulties and challenges that these birds weighing only a few grams have to face on their incredible journey. We witness their courage, silent heroism, and how they survive even against the unforgiving and terrifying forces of nature and even more terrifying destructive acts of humans. Trillio and his story represents a real story of silent courage and determination that takes place year after year. After reading Trillio’s story I hope we’ll all give our incredible minuscule feathered friends more thought and appreciation.
Andrea Ginevra Jane Green was born in Solihull, UK. Grammar school educated sensitive and shy she was a lost little girl and teenager, often alone, confused by the social values, goals and the falsity she felt around her. Andrea instinctively knew that soulless Solihull was not and could never be a real world to her. At 18 she left for London, enormous fascinating but cold, indifferent and lacking nature. She moved to South Wales with its sweet wildness, and there she revelled in wet muddy walks, rain, blackberries and curlew calls across the river. A haven! But destiny struck and by a strange twist of fate she found herself blown off course again and living on the island of Lampedusa an isolated rock immersed in the primal forces of nature right in the middle of the Med. Lampedusa has been her home now for over 35 years.
It was here that she met observed and grew to love the tiny birds that year after year make the incredible journey of Trillio.
Andrea Ginevra Jane Green was born in Solihull, UK. Grammar school educated sensitive and shy she was a lost little girl and teenager, often alone, confused by the social values, goals and the falsity she felt around her. Andrea instinctively knew that soulless Solihull was not and could never be a real world to her. At 18 she left for London, enormous fascinating but cold, indifferent and lacking nature. She moved to South Wales with its sweet wildness, and there she revelled in wet muddy walks, rain, blackberries and curlew calls across the river. A haven! But destiny struck and by a strange twist of fate she found herself blown off course again and living on the island of Lampedusa an isolated rock immersed in the primal forces of nature right in the middle of the Med. Lampedusa has been her home now for over 35 years.
It was here that she met observed and grew to love the tiny birds that year after year make the incredible journey of Trillio.