All aid is not kind.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~After Raleigh stumbled out of her native universe, she suppressed the memory files of her time as a soldier. She and two other refugees from other universes rent an apartment together, pooling resources and helping each other cope with living in a somewhen other than the ones they’d grown up in.But their native universes haven’t forgotten them. Raleigh had to kill one roommate’s bioengineered sister just yesterday—and, in the process, she had to activate far more of her built-in tech than she’s used since entering the somewhen she’s living in.Her old captain’s been waiting for her to do that.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A sci-fi novella featuring people who have escaped a bad situation, and who may or may not have reached a better one.· • · • · • ·E-book has two versions of the story: one with salty language and one without.