Uncle Walt [WALT MASON] written by Walt Mason. Published by George Matthew Adams in 1910. Registered in Canada in accordance with the copyright law. Entered at Stationers' Hall.Walt Mason's Prose Rhymes are read daily by approximately ten million readers.A newspaper service sells these rhymes to two hundred newspapers with a combined daily circulation of nearly five million, and assuming that five people read each newspaper—which is the number agreed upon by publicity experts—it may be called a fair guess to say that two out of every five readers of newspapers read Mr. Mason's poems.So the ten million daily readers is a reasonably accurate estimate. No other American verse-maker has such a daily audience.Walt Mason is, therefore, the Poet Laureate of the American Democracy. He is the voice of the people.Put to a vote, Walt would be elected to the Laureate's job, if he got a vote for each reader. And, generally speaking, men would vote as they read.The reason Walt Mason has such a large number of readers is because he says what the average man is thinking so that the average man can understand it.