A story of an ideal American family to rival The Waltons...
You Must Be A Jones, A Family Memoir is a heartwarming story of an African American family persevering during some of the country's most significant periods of change. The story highlights how Cole's parents, a committed and hardworking African American couple, created a happy and wholesome life and promising futures for their seven children despite the limitations of segregation and racism.
In this book, you'll:
You Must Be A Jones evokes tears, laughter, and nostalgia for families and communities that support and uplift their neighbors and friends. With an open and curious mind, readers will connect with a story not typically told of African American families.
You Must Be A Jones, A Family Memoir is a heartwarming story of an African American family persevering during some of the country's most significant periods of change. The story highlights how Cole's parents, a committed and hardworking African American couple, created a happy and wholesome life and promising futures for their seven children despite the limitations of segregation and racism.
In this book, you'll:
- Gain a glimpse into the lives of one large black family who refused to let racism and modest means keep them from reaching their goals.
- Learn about the impact of segregation and integration, the power of a close family and determined parents, and the magic of growing up in a place where everyone knows your name.
- Discover how the author and her brothers and sisters learned the importance of never giving up.
You Must Be A Jones evokes tears, laughter, and nostalgia for families and communities that support and uplift their neighbors and friends. With an open and curious mind, readers will connect with a story not typically told of African American families.
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