One of TV's most acclaimed drama series, the Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning Six Feet Under, concludes its groundbreaking, five season run. Each of the main characters will come to embrace the cycle of life - birth, death, and re-birth - in ways that are both unique and interconnected. Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends. Bonusmaterial - Audiokommentar: zu 6 Episoden - Dokumentation: Leben und Verlust: Der Einfluss von Six Feet Under - Featurette: "Six Feet Under: 2001-2005, Teil 1 & 2 - Und viele weitere mehr!: Zusätzliche Musik aus dem neuen Soundtrack vonSix Feet Under
One of TV's most acclaimed drama series, the Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning Six Feet Under, concludes its groundbreaking, five season run. Each of the main characters will come to embrace the cycle of life - birth, death, and re-birth - in ways that are both unique and interconnected. Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.
- Audiokommentar: zu 6 Episoden - Dokumentation: Leben und Verlust: Der Einfluss von Six Feet Under - Featurette: "Six Feet Under: 2001-2005, Teil 1 & 2 - Und viele weitere mehr!: Zusätzliche Musik aus dem neuen Soundtrack vonSix Feet Under