Title Synopsis: A young Marine finds high adventure and higher peril in the jungles of Borneo during World War II. Sent to disrupt Japanese operations on the island, Lieutenant Rob Parker must contend with the hostility of the deep jungle while building an uneasy alliance with a band of vigilant natives. Together, Parker and his multinational platoon of soldiers, tribesmen, and mercenaries wage a guerrilla campaign against the occupying forces and ultimately, wrestle with the chaos and tragedy of war.
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"Fantastic book! The details tell me not only is John an expert on the realities of WWII, but also completely drew me into the story. As a reader of mostly nonfiction, John does an amazing job of blending fact with fiction. I couldn't put it down!" "Hard to put down. Finished it in one sitting. You feel like you are right there looking over Rob's shoulder."