This "unique and memorable" blend of futuristic dystopia and dark detective story features "one of the more offbeat characters in fiction" (Booklist). In this "uncannily original" series, the man known as Dewey Decimal works in a near-future Manhattan decimated by terrorism and plague, running dirty operations for the crooked Senator Howard - though he'd prefer to spend his time among the stacks at his beloved New York Public Library (Laura Lippman). When Dewey is tasked with disrupting unrest from a growing group of outcast civilians, and simultaneously given the assignment of protecting a pair of Saudi royals, he is forced to look within and make some impossible choices - and it will put him at odds with his benefactor and the powers that be.... "A good time for fans of the likes of Charlie Huston and Charles Stross." ( Kirkus Reviews) "Dewey is an unlikely hero, a gimpy, smart-mouthed loner, obsessed with a brand-name hand sanitizer. His indomitable spirit and his distinctive ghetto-infused, educated patter give Larson's series its unique and spicy character." (Publishers Weekly) "One of the finest (and weirdest) thriller trilogies ever." (Mystery Scene )