1Are you for real?00:02:47
2I love a murder mystery00:03:02
3I'm a little busybody00:02:54
4Sunday driving00:02:41
5The navy gets the gravy00:02:10
7I like it I like it00:02:46
8I'll tell a policeman on you00:02:42
9I love girls00:02:47
10Lay something on the bar00:02:33
11North Dakota South Dakota00:02:20
12The book was so much better than the picture00:02:33
13The noisy eater00:06:37
14I can't carry a tune00:02:43
15Crazy words crazy tune00:02:24
16I keep her picture hanging upside down00:03:05
17They go wild simply wild over me00:02:32
18The nagger00:06:36
19Strictly for the birds00:02:41
20I've had a very Merry Christmas00:02:37
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