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Versandfertig in 3-5 Tagen
1Lieder op. 6 Nr. 1-3 (Three Shakespeare Songs)
2Nr. 2 O Mistress mine00:01:16
3Nr. 3 Blow, blow thou Winter Wind00:02:05
4Love blows as the wind blows (Liederzyklus)
5Life in her creaking shoes00:01:50
6Coming up from Richmond00:03:50
7Lieder op. 59 (Auszug)
8Lieder op. 48 (Auszug)
9Let us Garlands bring op. 18 (5 Lieder nach Shakespeare)
10Who is Silivia?00:01:27
11Fear no more the heat o' the Sun00:04:19
12O Mistress mine00:01:46
13It was a Lover and his Lass00:02:36
14A Shropshire Lad: 6 Housman-Songs
15Wehn I was one-and-twenty00:01:07
16Look not in my eyes00:01:56
17Think no more lad00:01:12
18The lads in their hundreds00:01:48
19Is my team ploughing?00:03:06
20House of Life (6 Poems nach Rossetti) (Auszug)
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