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Versandfertig in 3-5 Tagen
  • Anzahl: 1 Audio CD
  • Erscheinungstermin: 22. Februar 2008
  • Hersteller: Naxos,
  • EAN: 0040888051923
  • Artikelnr.: 23450258
Georg Friedrich Händel studierte zunächst Jura in seiner Geburtstadt Halle. Von 1703-1706 war er Cembalist an der Hamburger Oper und 1709 Hofkapellmeister in Hannover. Ab 1710 lebte Händel als Opernkomponist in London, nach 1728 hat er sich stark dem Oratorium zugewendet.
1Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Querschnitt)
2Comfort ye, my people00:03:01
3Ev'ry vally shall be exalted00:03:12
4And the glory of the Lord00:02:30
5Behold, a virgin shall conceive00:00:23
6O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion00:05:01
7For behold, darkness shall cover the earth00:02:16
8The people that walked in darkness00:02:55
9For unto us a child is born00:03:59
10Pifa (Pastoral symphony)00:00:54
11There were shepherds abiding in the fields - And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them - ...00:01:19
12Glory to God00:01:57
13Rejoice greatly, a daughter of Zion00:04:13
14Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened00:00:22
15He shall feed his flock - Come unto him00:04:58
16His yoke is easy00:02:24
17Surely he hath borne our griefs00:02:06
18And with his stripes we are bealed00:01:57
19All we like sheep are gone astray00:03:48
20Thy rebuke hath broken his heart00:01:54
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