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Versandfertig in 3-5 Tagen
  • Anzahl: 1 Audio CD
  • Erscheinungstermin: 6. September 2024
  • Hersteller: note 1 music gmbh / DUX,
  • EAN: 5902547020303
  • Artikelnr.: 71321139
1Oratio Dominica (c. 1556?)00:03:07
2Modlitwa ludu pospolitego, Prayer of the Common People (1558)00:03:13
3Juz wzeszlo swiatlo sloneczne, The Sunlight Has Already Risen (1559)00:04:06
4Czasu tego to zarania, At the Dawn of This Time (1559)00:03:20
5Wspominajac poczatek zywota naszego, Remembering the Beginning of Our Life (1558)00:03:22
6Pan Bóg wszechmogacy, Lord God Almighty (c. 1558?)00:03:27
7Iz to juz jest nie tajno kazdemu, It Is No Longer a Secret to Anyone (1558)00:04:29
8Madrosc Ojca wszechmocnego, Wisdom of the Almighty Father (1558)00:05:13
9Nabozna piosnka, Devotional Song (1558)00:04:53
10Z ochotnym sercem Ciebie wyslawiam, mój Panie00:03:03
11Psalm 36. Zaniechaj towarzystwa, Do Not Choose to Imitate the Malicious (1558)00:03:05
12Psalm 127. Wszytcy sa blogoslawieni, Blessed Are All (1558)00:03:56
13Wielbi duszo moja Pana, My Soul, Worship the Lord (1557)00:06:09
14Psalm 79. Panie Boze wszechmocny00:05:48
15Psalm 129. Z glebokosci grzechów moich, From the Depths, I Have Cried Out to You (1558)00:08:13
16Psalm 70. W Tobie, Panie, nadzieje mam, In Thee, O Lord, Do I Put My Trust (1558)00:05:26
17Pozegnaj nas, Boze Ojcze, A Christian Blessing for Every Day (1559)00:03:05
18Benedictio mensae (1559)00:01:35